153 01:07 0% Noomi Rapace Tasers a Man in the Balls and Kicks Another Man in the Girl Who Played With Fire:Flickan Som Lekte Med Elden
102 00:42 0% Gal Gadot Electroqutes Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s Balls, Then Later Hits Ryan Reynolds in the Balls With a Stick and Then Tries To Swing It Upperwards Into His Balls in Red Notice
214 03:14 0% Jemma Dallender Tasers a Man in the Balls and Then Squeezes a Man’s Balls in a Vice Until They Burst in I Spit on Your Grave 2
123 01:04 0% Karen Gillan Kicks a Guy, Swings a Briefcase, Makes a Guy Shock Himself and Back Kicks a Guy in the Balls. Later She Delivers an Upwards Stomp to a Man’s Balls and Then When She and Her Mom Are Fighting, She Kicks Him Twice in Gunpowder Milkshake
226 02:00 0% Sarah Butler Hits a Man in the Balls With a Crow Bar, Stabs Another Man in the Balls With a Knife and Then Tasers Another Man in the Balls in I Spit on Your Grave 3
265 01:12 100% America Olivo Attaches Electrical Clamps to a Guys Balls and Squeezes Another Man’s Balls in Bitch Slap
1K 00:41 0% Shiny PVC BallbustingStacy, Bondage CBT BDSM, Electric SHOCKS in the balls NONSTOP trailer