222 01:03 0% Gabrielle Anwar Knees a Man in the Balls and Shoots a Bean Bag at Paul ‘The Big Show’ Wight’s Balls in Burn Notice
618 01:43 0% All the Ballbusting in Birds of Prey (2020). Includes a Lot of Kicks and Hits With Objects. Most Busts by Margot Robbie. I Added in Interview Clips of the Actresses Talking About All the Ballbusting at the end
468 04:18 100% Nash Carter Kicks Men in the Balls. Layla Price Knees a Man in the Balls and Uses Hedge Shears. Mope
102 00:42 0% Gal Gadot Electroqutes Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s Balls, Then Later Hits Ryan Reynolds in the Balls With a Stick and Then Tries To Swing It Upperwards Into His Balls in Red Notice
178 03:00 0% Jennifer Morrison Puts a Chinese Finger Trap on Two Guy’s Penises and Then Steps on Another Man’s Balls in 100 Women/Girl Fever
125 00:48 0% Lucy Lawless Uses Objects and Kicks Numerous Men in the Balls in the First Season of Xena the Warrior Princess
263 01:19 0% Jennifer Lawrence Pulls on a Chinese Finger Trap Wrapped Around a Guy’s Dick in No Hard Feelings
76 01:15 0% Ellen Barkin Hits a Man in the Balls with Her Purse, Kicks Another Man in the Balls, and Then Squeezes a Man’s Balls While Giving Birth in Switch
131 00:53 0% Phintusuda Tunphairao Accidentally Gets a Boy’s Balls Stuck in Her Vacuum Cleaner in 15+ Coming of Age (2017)
74 01:08 0% Crystal Shaw Martell Gives a Man Blue Balls and Then Accidentally Hits Him in the Balls With the Oven Door in Hardbodies
165 00:58 0% Vanessa Ferlito Verbal and Then Hits a Man in the Balls With a Baseball Bat in Stand Up Guys
219 01:00 0% Kathryn Newton Chainsaws a Guy’s Balls Off-Screen and Later Kicks a Man in the Balls in Freaky