313 01:15 0% Odette Annable Shoots a Man in the Balls and Then Drives Her Heel Into His Balls in Operation Endgame:Rogues Gallery
236 02:03 0% Wei Yao Shoots a Man in His Balls and Ripped Off the Genitals of Two Previous Men During Sex Off-Screen in Naked KillerChik Loh Goh Yeung
120 00:08 0% Natasha Wilson and Samantha Cole Shoot a Man in the Balls with a Paintball Gun UnREAL 4×2
55 01:13 0% Kayoko Shiraishi Threatens To Shoot a Man in the Balls in Female Prisoner Scorpion Jailhouse 41/Joshû Sasori Dai-41 Zakkyo-Bô
199 01:16 0% Melanie Scrofano Verbal (1×4 and 1×6), Melanie Scrofano Stomps on a Man’s Balls in Front of Dominique Provost-Chalkley (1×12), Dominique Provost-Chalkley Shoots a Man In the Groin in Front of Melanie Scrofano and Katherine Barrell (3×3) in Wynonna Earp
72 00:47 0% Mercedes Ruehl Aims Her Gun at a Man’s Groin. She Later Shoots Him There in a Dream Sequence in Married to the Mob
84 02:06 0% Sondra Locke Shoots a Man in the Balls Off-Screen Then Later Kicks a Man in the Balls in Sudden Impact
116 04:41 0% Jamie Bernadette Hits a Man in the Balls With a Log, Stabs Another Man in the Balls With a Broken Glass Bottle, and Shoots Another Man in the Balls in I Spit on Your Grave Deja Vu